Kuv ntseeg tias muaj coob tus neeg yuav tsum paub txog cov cua sov cua sov silicone silicone silicone, thiab nws daim ntawv thov hauv peb lub neej tseem muaj ntau yam. Tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum cov txwj laus ntawm tsev neeg tau mob nraub qaum, siv cov cua sov tuaj yeem daws qhov mob thiab ua rau tib neeg hnov zoo dua. Lwm qhov chaw uas feem ntau siv yog thaum muaj cov huab cua txias, koj tuaj yeem tso cov cua sov, koj tuaj yeem tso cov menyuam cua sov, koj tuaj yeem tso cov menyuam cua sov, koj tuaj yeem tso cov menyuam cua sov, koj tuaj yeem tso cov menyuam cua sov, koj tuaj yeem cia tus menyuam haus kom sov thaum twg los tau.
Thaj chaw cua sov tuaj yeem faib ua cov cua sov silicone thiab cov dej roj hmab ua kom yooj yim, roj av, pleev xim, roj thiab ntau yam khoom siv rab.
The length of the silicone used in the heating tube is relatively long, generally used in the heating tube, and its width is narrow, so that the heated tube is easy to wrap, and can be in close contact with the indoor heating object, which can make the heating effect better, which can also greatly save the loss of heat energy, but also can achieve the purpose of rapid heating, it is very good.
Silicon lub qhov kub tawg, uas ua haujlwm ntawm tib lub ntsiab cai yog cov pob kub zoo tib yam uas peb siv nyob hauv peb lub tsev, thiab lawv coj kom yooj yim rau tib neeg.
Lub Sijhawm Post: Dec-23-2023