Coob leej tsis paub tias puas yog qhov ntsuas cua txias dua yog qhov zoo dua lossis cua sov qis dua yog qhov zoo dua?

Nws puas zoo dua los khaws cov tub yees txias lossis cua txias? Ntau tus neeg tsis paub, yog li nws tsis muaj qhov xav tau siv dag zog thiab hluav taws xob.

Sorching lub caij ntuj sov, yooj yim coj tawm cov txiv ntoo, ntshav, thawb sab hauv chav ua si hauv chav cua txias, kev zoo siab tuaj txog blast nrib pleb. Tab sis koj puas tau ntsib qhov tsis paub pab ntawm defrosing lub tub yees? Koj puas hnov ​​ntxhiab tsw ntxhiab tsw thaum koj qhib lub qhov rooj? Cov tub yees tsis tau xaiv, nws yog qhov xav tau.

Tam sim no, lub tub yees ntawm kev ua lag luam tsuas yog muaj cov hom cua txias, ob qho tib si muaj mob khaub thuas ncaj qha, maj. Uas ncaj txias, cua txias yuav ua li cas xaiv?

Ncaj khaub thuas

Ncaj Ncaj Ncees Ice Box Lub hauv paus ntsiab lus los ntawm cov Evaporator kom ua haujlwm rau sab nraub qaum lossis sab hauv phab ntsa, kom sov sov, thiab tom qab ntawd ua tiav lub hom phiaj txias. Tab sis qhov no tseem muaj teeb meem, ze rau Evaporator txoj haujlwm ntawm qhov kub yog qhov kub me me, dej yuav ua rau tuab tuab, tab sis kuj mus rau duav khov.

Defrigost Cua Sov Element

Txawm hais tias qhov kev ua haujlwm txias ncaj qha rau kev nrawm, tab sis yog tias muaj ntau yam txias, txias rau hauv qhov kub thiab txias, yog li lub thawv txias tsis sib xws, yog li lub thawv txias ncaj qha rau hauv kev ua lag luam yog lub peev xwm me me.

Defrost Rhaub

Cua Txias

The only difference between air cooling and direct cooling is that air cooling is equipped with a fan next to the evaporator.The evaporator absorbs heat, and the fan blows the cool air into the inside of the refrigerator to circulate the air and expel the heat, so as to evenly distribute the cool air in the refrigerator and achieve the cooling effect.
Nws kuj tseem yog vim tias qhov ua rau ntawm lub kiv cua, yog li nws tsis yog ua kom tiav rau hauv Freesture, yog li nws tsis tas yuav ua kom tiav rau hauv lub Evaporator, yog li nws tsis tas yuav ua kom huv si

Huab cua - txias tub yees muaj ib qho kev voj voog muaj ib zaug thiab ntau lub voj voog, chav ua pa roj cua, kiv cua, kev siv hluav taws xob thiab cov hluav taws xob. Ntau - puag ncig tub yees, tub yees siv kev ywj pheej evaporator, kiv cua, txhua qhov chaw tsis cuam tshuam rau txhua lwm tus, txuag hluav taws xob ib yam tsis muaj qhov tsw.

In summary, the price of straight ice box is low, suitable for the budget is not high family, as long as the regular defrosting is no problem, if there are leftovers in the air-cooled refrigerator, easy to string flavor on the independent double cycle, if often put some tasteless fruits, vegetables can choose single cycle.

Saum toj no yog hais txog lub freezer ncaj txias, huab cua txias, sib tov qhov txias txias ntawm txias, tab sis tseem xav ua kom tau xaiv thiab yuav raws li tus kheej xav tau. Yog tias koj muaj lus nug, xav tiv tauj peb.

Lub Sijhawm Post: Jul-11-2024